Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lost Boys of Sudan Collage Reflection

Think Creatively:
My collage demonstrates thinking creatively in how I organized it and the items I thought of putting on there. I organized my pictures to make it look confusing and messy because that is exactly how the lives of the refugees were. I think it is quite creative how I took a piece of cloth and made it look bloody to cover the images of death caused by the war. I also thought creatively in the way I showed their journey with the maps in order and the string showing their journey.

Reason Critically:
My images really showed the devastations they went through but then it also show that they used to be happy and really wish to go back to how it used to be. My text shows the same concept, but it also shows how they question why they had to survive while everyone died. Some of my pictures are also more symbolic and they are not pictures of actually Sudan but symbols that represent their issues.

Communicate Effectively:
My collage really shows everything the ‘boys’ had to deal with. I shows much of the devastation, which really shows people the truth of their story and makes them want to do something to help.

Live Ethically:
The pictures in my collage might evoke empathy in whoever is looking at it, because they can really see what is going on and it can make them want to take action to help the people that had to go through this. I might also make people very sad that people would so vigorously destroy so many lives.

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